We value what God values therefore we keep his values in mind whatever we do and wherever we do it, as ambassadors for him.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith
Hebrews 12:1
The Gospel
Grace and mercy – Salvation – Freedom – Healing – Forgiveness - Redemption
The Scriptures
Authority on truth - Sound doctrine – Holy Spirit Inspired
The Filling of the HS
Infilling - Gifts of the Spirit - Fruit of the Spirit - Leading of the Spirit
Holiness & Purity & Integrity
Freedom from sin – Sanctification – Perseverance - Consecration
Ambassadors for Christ
Representing Christ well in all places and situations - Christlikeness
Do everything In love
Always being careful in actions - Love for enemies – Gentle – Kind - patient
One to another - Humility – Self sacrifice – Respect for authorities
Healthy Conflict
Committed to peace - Reconciliation - Avoiding slander – Respectful disagreement
Honor & Blessing & Thankfulness
Recognizing and celebrating others – Encouragement - Building each other up 
Sharing – Hospitality – Blessing - Helpful 
Giving our Best
Work hard - Skill improvement – Competence – Reliable
Everyone Matters 
Rich, poor – Sinner, saint – Strong, weak – Male, female - All races - All ages
Protection & Support for the Vulnerable
Physical and emotional and spiritual safety - Care for the poor, orphans, widows 
Prioritizing Health 
Physical, Emotional, Spiritual strengthening – Balanced – Restful – Healing - Joy
Welcome Mentorship 
Teachable - Making room and time for others – Investing in others